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About The Course

Statutes criminalizing strangulation have passed nationally, but many communities have not received basic training on how to identify, investigate or successfully prosecute this misunderstood crime. This webinar will discuss the prevalence of this often-missed form of violence and discuss why the lack of external evidence misguides the criminal justice system. Better understanding of alternative evidence, basic anatomy, and the physiological consequences of impeding cases will provide a strong foundation upon which communities can build a better response and shape stronger protocols.

Meet your Instructor!

Kelsey McKay is the President of RESPOND Against Violence and McKay Training & Consulting, LLC. Ms. McKay trains and consults nationally to strengthen how communities collaborate, investigate, and prosecute strangulation, sexual violence, and intimate partner violence cases. She develops experts to testify and trains on the implementation of a strangulation supplement and community collaboration.

This course includes: 

The Strangulation Foundation.

To enroll in the complete Strangulation Series click here